Influence of irrigation and nitrogen levels on yield attributes, yield and water use efficiency in dill (Anethum graveolens L.) cultivation

Irrigation and nitrogen levels in dill cultivation


  • R C Bairwa S K Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan-334006
  • S R Bhunia S K Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan-334006



Dill, drip irrigation, nitrogen, WUE, yield


The field experiments were conducted during three consecutive Rabi seasons of 2016-19 at Agricultural Research Station, SKRAU, Bikaner to study the influence of irrigation and nitrogen levels to growth, yield attributes, yield and water use efficiency of dill (Anethum graveolens L.) under a drip irrigation system. The experiment consisted of sixteen treatment combinations of four irrigation levels (ETc- 0.4, ETc- 0.6, ETc- 0.8 & ETc- 1.0), & four nitrogen levels (control, 120% RDN in 4 splits, 100% RDN in 4 splits and 80% RDN in 4 splits). The treatments were laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Results revealed that irrigation at ETc 1.0 with application of nitrogen at 120% of RDN in four splits recorded significantly higher crop yield as compared to the remaining treatments. The water use efficiency decreased with increased irrigation and nitrogen levels.


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How to Cite

Bairwa, R. C. ., & Bhunia, S. R. . (2023). Influence of irrigation and nitrogen levels on yield attributes, yield and water use efficiency in dill (Anethum graveolens L.) cultivation: Irrigation and nitrogen levels in dill cultivation. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 32(2), 194–201.