Efficacy of sugarcane bagasse to produce bacterial biofilm in water for fish culture


  • M.V. Radhakrishnan and E. Sugumaran


The present study has been conducted to understand the efficacy of sugarcane bagasse to produce bacterial biofilm in water. The study period was 90 days. Total Plate count (TPC) in water and substrate was estimated on nutrient agar at room temperature by spread plate method. The TPC in water was the highest (2.10 x 104 ml–1) after 45 days. The average TPC of bacteria on bagasse varied from 140.0 (15d) to 30.25 (90d) x104·g–1. The present study demonstrates that the sugarcane bagasse can produce more bacteria in water thereby the fish can effectively utilize biofilm grown on sugarcane bagasse and provision of a substrate reduces the need for artificial feed.


Efficacy of sugarcane bagasse to produce bacterial biofilm in water for fish culture


M.V. Radhakrishnan and E.Sugumaran

Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar – 608 002, Tamilnadu, India

*Corresponding Author, Email:  [email protected]


Cite This Article As: M.V. Radhakrishnan, E. Sugumaran. 2010. Efficacy of sugarcane bagasse to produce bacterial biofilm in water for fish culture. J. Ecobiotechnol. 2(2):41-44.


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Author Biography

M.V. Radhakrishnan and E. Sugumaran

Department of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar – 608 002, Tamilnadu, India *Corresponding Author, Email:  [email protected]



How to Cite

E. Sugumaran, M. R. and. “Efficacy of Sugarcane Bagasse to Produce Bacterial Biofilm in Water for Fish Culture”. Journal of Ecobiotechnology, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2010, https://updatepublishing.com/journal/index.php/jebt/article/view/27.

