Effect of bioadsorbents in removal of colour and toxicity of textile and leather dyes
Bioadsorbents, LevafixBlue CA, Brown VBR, Decolourization, Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus subtilisAbstract
The main aim of this study was to reduce the colour and toxicity of textile dye Levafix Blue CA and leather dye Brown VBR by using prawn shell waste, rice husk, poultry soil waste, apricot seed and tea powder waste as adsorbents. The textile dye Levafix Blue CA and leather dye Brown VBR were prepared to the concentration 500mg/L as stock solution. The different initial dye concentration as 100,200,300,400 and 500mg/L were prepared from stock solution by diluting with distilled water. bioadsorbents used in this study were mixed to each dye for every concentration, and were agitated then subsequently removed by centrifugation for decolorization. The adsorbents treated, untreated textile and leather dyes were tested for the growth of P.putida and B.subtilis to evaluate the toxic effect. The development of colonies on treated dyes were measured as cfu ml-1. The development of non colonies on untreated dyes was also measured. This positive result confirmed the toxicity reduction on treated dye. The result showed that adsorption and decolorization capacity of the adsorbents in the order prawn shell waste>rice husk>poultry soil waste>apricot seed>tea powder waste.