Kinetic investigation of emulsion stability in oil/water emulsions stabilized with protein


  • Vanya Gandova Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry, University of Food Technologies, 26 Maritsa avenue, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria



emulsions, soybean oil, soybean protein isolate, spectrophotometry


The emulsion stability soybean oil/water (O/W) with different concentrations was investigated. The dynamics of emulsion stabilities were investigated at 1 to 15 days as measured of turbidity. Three series of samples were prepared with 2 %, 4 %  and 5 % soybean protein isolates (SI). Obtained results were compared with other obtained with optical microscope. It was found that emulsions exhibited more stability in samples with 2 % SI. The pH was measured in all emulsions. pH interval was between 5.8–7.4and after analysis were seen that emulsions exhibited high stability around 7.2-7.3 pH values.


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