A random forest-based analysis of cassava mosaic disease-related factors affecting the on-farm livelihoods of cassava farmers
Cassava mosaic disease, Cassava farmers, Cassava income, Random ForestAbstract
This study aimed to identify key CMD-related factors affecting Cameroon cassava farmers’ incomes originating from both the sale of cassava cuttings (V215) and the sale of cassava roots (V216). To achieve this, nine CMD-related variables were used to independently train two Random Forest models. These models were later employed for regression-based prediction of both financial targets V215 and V216. The Random Forest (RF)-based mean absolute percentage error for targets V215 and V216 were 0.19 and 1.25 respectively. The RF-based mean Gaussian deviance for targets V215 and V216 were 0.07 and 0.51 respectively. Based on RF feature importance scores (RFFI), the top 3 factors affecting income originating from the sale of cassava cuttings were found to be: late appearance of symptoms as a difficulty associated with regular field monitoring (RFFI of 0.2594), removal of infected plants as a method of controlling frequent occurrence of viral diseases in respondents’ cassava fields (RFFI of 0.1633) and lack of healthy planting material due to frequent occurrence of viral diseases in respondents’ cassava fields (RFFI of 0.1495). Also, the top 3 factors affecting income originating from the sale of cassava roots were found to be: the replacement of infected plants with healthy cuttings as a method of controlling the frequent occurrence of viral diseases in respondents’ cassava fields (RFFI of 0.1974), decrease in yield due to frequent occurrence of viral diseases in respondents’ cassava fields (RFFI of 0.1530) and poor plant growth due to frequent occurrence of viral diseases in respondents’ cassava fields (RFFI of 0.1388).
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