Investigation on the chemical properties of some pomegranate cultivars (Punica granatum L.) grown in the Messaad Algerian arid region under drip irrigation
Climate, Food, Fruit, Juice, Preserving, ProcessingAbstract
In Messaad a city, of Algeria central region, under arid climate, pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of the main fruit crops in agricultural systems after apricot. To examine the ability of transformation and direct consumption, a chemical analysis study of pomegranate juice was conducted on fruits of three pomegranate cultivars: Khadraye KH1, Hamraye HM1, Senin Alouj SL1 from the drip-irrigated Messaad orchards. A study of chemical properties such as pH, titratable acidity TS, total solids TSS, crude fibers CF of pomegranate seed juices was carried out from the fruits of three cultivars. Descriptive statistics, analyze of variance and Principal Component Analysis based on quantitative parameters are used. The cultivars Senin Aloudj SL1 and Khadraye KH1 of Messaad are characterized as sweet with respectively 1.80 and 1.84% of crude fiber content. The cultivar Hamraye HM1 is qualified sour-sweet to sweet with 2.10% crude fiber rate. The SL1 and KH1 are suitable for the consumption in fresh and can be object of food transformation to which is added the therapeutic and medicinal interest that confers the pomegranate tree whereas the HM1 apart from its consumption can be used as excellence to food transformation in various products. The findings presented in this work justify the interest of germplasm variability not only for it fresh consumption and processing, but also in the broad sense of valorization and preserving phytogenetic resources for agriculture and food locally threatened.
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