Impact of combined cow dung and zinc on growth traits and yield of tomato
Cow dung, Zinc, Growth, Yield, TomatoAbstract
In the present study, the combined effects of cow dung (CD) and zinc (Zn) fertilizers on tomato growth and yield was studied. Seven (7) treatments as T0=CD0Zn0 (Control), T1=CD5Zn0, T2=CD0Zn1, T3=CD0Zn1.5, T4=CD5Zn2, T5=CD5Zn2.5, T6=CD5Zn3 were used in a RCBD with three replications using two factors like cow dung (0 and 5 t ha-1) and zinc fertilizers (0, 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 kg ha-1).The use of CD and Zn fertilizers had a substantial impact on all of the assessed growth, yield contributing attributes, and yield. The result revealed that the highest yield and yield contributing characters such as plant height (51.33, 73.00 and 105.00 cm at 35, 50 and 65 DAT, respectively), number of leaves plant-1 (17.00, 19.33 and 24.00 at 35, 50 and 65 DAT, respectively), number of branches plant-1 (11.00, 12.00 and 14.00 at 35, 50 and 65 DAT, respectively), maximum number of flower clusters plant-1 (7.00 and 15.60 at 50 and 65 DAT, respectively), number of fruits plant-1 (8.00 and 46.09 at 50 and 65 DAT, respectively), the highest individual fruit weight (73.00 g), weight of fruit plant-1 (4.83 kg), fruit length (7.50 cm), fruit diameter (4.17 cm) and yield (55.00 t ha-1) were produced at T6 (5 t CD ha-1 and 3 kg Zn ha-1) but lowest in T0 (control) in all parameters. The results of the study suggest that combining CD and Zn fertilizers is an excellent source of tomato fertilization, with T6 treatment (5 t CD ha-1 and 3 kg Zn ha-1) being found to be the most suitable due to the use of fewer treatment factors than recommended doses for obtaining economically viable yield.
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