Preliminary Phytochemical and Anti-bacterial activity of hydro alcoholic extract of Typha angustata.(L). Rhizome


  • K.V.S. Santoshkumar
  • P Srinivasababu
  • R. Karthikeyan
  • S. Sireesha


Typha angustata is a commonly identified wild plant at ponds, lakes and wet lands. It has potential uses from the literature. The different extracts of the aerial parts of the plant are reported with anti-inflammatory activity of extracts of leaves, inflorescence, catatonic activity of methanolic extract of leaves and osteoinductive potential of the pollen extract along with diuretic, astringent, desiccant and haemostatic activities while the underground parts of this plant like rhizomes and roots make this plant a useful agent for waste disposal agent and effluent treating agent from the sugar industry. The rootstock of this plant is used as an astringent and diuretic. The starchy rhizomes are nutritious with good protein content. In our present study the hydro alcoholic extract of rhizomes was prepared and screened anti-microbial activity by agar plate diffusion method invitro. It showed significant activity against all the microorganisms used in the test.


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How to Cite

Santoshkumar, K., Srinivasababu, P., Karthikeyan, R., & Sireesha, S. (2015). Preliminary Phytochemical and Anti-bacterial activity of hydro alcoholic extract of Typha angustata.(L). Rhizome. Research in Plant Biology, 5(3). Retrieved from



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