RESPONSE OF SUGARCANE GENOTYPES SUBJECTED TO SALINITY STRESS AT DIFFERENT GROWTH PHASES: Abstract, Introduction,materials & Methods, Resultls & Discussion, Conclusion.
Salinity stress, Sugarcane, physiological parameters, yield parameters.Abstract
A few commercial sugarcane genotypes were subjected to salinity stress at various growth phases of sugarcane to ascertain the critical growth stage for salinity stress and to assess the response of the genotypes. All the data were recorded and analysed during maturity phase. The salt treatments drastically reduced SPAD chlorophyll, chlorophyll fluorescence, RWC, stalk height, weight and other yield parameters in a few genotypes during T2 (salt treatment given during formative phase) & T5 (salt treatment given throughout crop cycle) but a few genotypes which are tolerant towards salt stress gave better results comparing other genotypes. The ions like sodium, potassium and chloride were analysed in the juice which showed higher elevation in the genotype Co 97010. Among the genotypes, Co 85019 and Co 99004 recorded significantly prime compared to rest of the genotypes. Treatment throughout the growth phases (T5) followed by stress at formative phase (T2) were found to be critical for growth, physiological and yield responses in all the genotypes.
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