Performance and egg qualities of old-laying hens fed with diets containing selected phytogenic feed additives
Old-laying hens, turmeric, ginger, garlic, phytogenic feed additivesAbstract
Performance and egg qualities of old-laying hens fed with diets containing ginger, turmeric and garlic were evaluated in a twelve (12) week feeding trial. A total of 135 laying birds of Isa-Brown strain which were sixty-four (64) weeks old were used for the trial and arranged in a completely randomized design. Five diets were formulated for the trial: Diet 1 (control), Diet 2 (3% inclusion level of turmeric), Diet 3 (3% inclusion level of ginger), Diet 4 (turmeric and garlic at 2.25% and 0.75%, respectively) and Diet 5 (ginger and garlic at 2.25% and 0.75%, respectively). Proximate compositions of the Phytogenic Feed Additives (PFAs) were determined with the moisture content ranging between 5.03-7.50%; ash (3.26-6.11%); ether extract (7.39-14.58%); fibre (10.28-13.79%); protein (3.07-7.23%) and Nitrogen Free Extract (58.88-61.54%). The performance indices, though not significantly (P˃0.05) influenced by the test diets except for Hen Day Production (HDP) had the highest weight gained (0.16kg) recorded for birds fed on a diet containing ginger. The highest (62.92 and 62.04 %) HDP were observed in birds fed diets containing ginger and ginger + garlic; respectively. However, the lowest weight gained (0.04kg) was recorded in birds fed a diet containing turmeric + garlic; this diet also recorded the lowest % HDP and FCR with values of 57.50% and 2.37 respectively. The overall values for the qualities of eggs from laying hens fed the PFAs showed that only the Haugh Unit, yolk colour and albumen height were significantly (P˂0.05) affected; with those on Turmeric + Garlic diets having the highest for these parameters. However, the fatty acid variables were not significantly (P˃0.05) affected by the dietary treatments. It could be concluded that the inclusion of PFAs in the diets of laying hens especially at an older age would help to sustain performance with improved quality.Downloads
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Agbede, J.O., Kluth, H. and Rodehutscord, M. (2009).Studies on the effects of microbial phytase on amino acid digestibility and energy metabolizability in caecectomized laying hens and the interaction with the dietary phosphorus level.British Poultry Scienece, 50 (5), 583-591.
Ahamefula, I., Onwuka, G. I. and Chibuzo, N. (2014).Nutritional Composition of Tumeric (Curcuma longa) and its Antimicrobial Properties.International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 10, 1085-1091.
Ahaotu, E. O. and Lawal, M. (2019).Determination of Proximate and Minerals Content of Turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn) Leaves and Rhizomes.Journal of Food, Nutrition and Packaging. 6: 1-4.
Ali, B. H., G. Blunden, M. O. Tanira, and A. Nemmar, (2008).Some phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of ginger (Zingiberofficinale Roscoe): a review of recent research. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46 (2) 409–420.
AOAC.(2000). Official methods of Analysis.17th end.Association of Official Analysis Chemists, Washington DC.2200 pp.
Botsoglou, N. A., Florou-Paneri, E., Christaki, E., Fletouris, D. J. and Spais B. A. (2002). Effect of dietary oregano essential oil on performance of chickens and on iron induced lipid oxidation of breast, thigh and abdominal fat tissues. Poultry Science, 43, 223-230.
Cherian, G. and Quezada, N. (2016). Egg quality, fatty acid composition and immunoglobulin Y con-tent in eggs from laying hens fed full fat camelina or flax seed. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 7:15.
Damaziak, K.,Riedel, J., Gozdowski, D.,Niemiec, J.,Siennicka, A. and RógD. (2017). Productive performance and egg quality of laying hens fed diets supplemented with garlic and onion extrats. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 26, 337-349.
Diarra, S.S., Kwari, I.D., Girgiri, Y.A., Saleh, B. and Igwebuike, J.U. (2011). The use of sorrel (Hibiscusssabdariffa) seed as a feed ingredient for poultry: A review. Research Opinions in Animal & Veterinary Sciences, 1, 573-577.
Ehr I.J., Persia M.E. and Bobeck E.A. (2017). Comparative omega-3 fatty acid enrichment of egg yolks from first-cycle laying hens fed flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed. Poultry Science, 96, 1791-1799.
Haugh, R. R. (1937). The Haugh unit for measuring egg quality U.S. Egg Poultry Mag. 43, 552-555, 572-573.
Ikpeama, A., Onwuka, G. I. and Nwankwo, C. (2014).Nutritional Composition of Tumeric (Curcuma longa) and its Antimicrobial Properties.International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. 5: 2229-5518.
Mahesh, M. G., and Prabhakar, B. Y. (2018).Natural antibiotic effect of turmeric in poultry management.International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Science.2(1) 1-3.
Malekizadeh, M., Moeini, M.M. and Ghazi, S. (2012). The effects of different levels of ginger (Zingiberofficinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizomes powder on some blood metabolites and production performance characteristic of laying hens. Journal of Agricultural Science Technology, 14, 127-134.
Mirbod, M., Mahdavi, A.H., Samie, A.H. and Mehri, M. (2017). Effects of Curcuma longarhizome powder on egg quality, performance and some physiological indices of laying hens fed different levels ofmetabolizable energy.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97,1286-1294.
Mmadubuike F. N. and Ekenyem, B. U. (2001).Non-ruminant livestock production in the tropics.Gustchucks Graphics Centre, Owerri, Nigeria.
Navidshad, B., Mostafa M. and Babak, D. (2018). Garlic: An alternative to antibiotics in poultry production, a review. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 8(1), 9-17.
Okoro, M. C.(2016). Effect of dietary inclusion of ginger (Zingiberofficinale) on Performance of Broilers and Laying Chickens. Unpublished Thesis, Master of Science in Animal Products Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri.
Platel, K. &Srinivasan K. (2000). Influence of dietary spices and their active principles on pancreatic digestive enzymes in albino rats. Nahrung, 44: 42-46.
Rajesh, D. and Devvrat, K.(2018).Turmeric powder as feed additive in laying hen A-review. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry.7(3), 2686-2689.
Sallam, K. I., Ishioroshi, M., and Samejima, K. (2004).Antioxidant and antimicrobial effect of garlic in chicken sausage.LWTFood Science and Technology, 37: 849 – 855.
T?mová, E. and Gous, R.M. (2012).Interaction between oviposition time, age, and environmental temperature and egg quality traits in laying hens and broiler breeders.Czech Journal of Animal Science, 57, 541-549.
Ugwoke, C.E.C. and Nzekwe, U. (2010). Phytochemistry and proximate composition of ginger (Zingiberofficinale) Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, 7:5.
Zhang, G.F., Yang, Z.B., Wang, Y., Yang, W.R., Jiang, S.Z. and Gai, G.S. (2009). Effects of ginger root (Zingiberofficinale) processed to different particle sizes on growth performance, antioxidant status, and serum metabolites of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 88, 2159-2166.
Agbede, J.O., Kluth, H. and Rodehutscord, M. (2009).Studies on the effects of microbial phytase on amino acid digestibility and energy metabolizability in caecectomized laying hens and the interaction with the dietary phosphorus level.British Poultry Scienece, 50 (5), 583-591.
Ahamefula, I., Onwuka, G. I. and Chibuzo, N. (2014).Nutritional Composition of Tumeric (Curcuma longa) and its Antimicrobial Properties.International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 10, 1085-1091.
Ahaotu, E. O. and Lawal, M. (2019).Determination of Proximate and Minerals Content of Turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn) Leaves and Rhizomes.Journal of Food, Nutrition and Packaging. 6: 1-4.
Ali, B. H., G. Blunden, M. O. Tanira, and A. Nemmar, (2008).Some phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of ginger (Zingiberofficinale Roscoe): a review of recent research. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46 (2) 409–420.
AOAC.(2000). Official methods of Analysis.17th end.Association of Official Analysis Chemists, Washington DC.2200 pp.
Botsoglou, N. A., Florou-Paneri, E., Christaki, E., Fletouris, D. J. and Spais B. A. (2002). Effect of dietary oregano essential oil on performance of chickens and on iron induced lipid oxidation of breast, thigh and abdominal fat tissues. Poultry Science, 43, 223-230.
Cherian, G. and Quezada, N. (2016). Egg quality, fatty acid composition and immunoglobulin Y con-tent in eggs from laying hens fed full fat camelina or flax seed. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 7:15.
Damaziak, K.,Riedel, J., Gozdowski, D.,Niemiec, J.,Siennicka, A. and RógD. (2017). Productive performance and egg quality of laying hens fed diets supplemented with garlic and onion extrats. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 26, 337-349.
Diarra, S.S., Kwari, I.D., Girgiri, Y.A., Saleh, B. and Igwebuike, J.U. (2011). The use of sorrel (Hibiscusssabdariffa) seed as a feed ingredient for poultry: A review. Research Opinions in Animal & Veterinary Sciences, 1, 573-577.
Ehr I.J., Persia M.E. and Bobeck E.A. (2017). Comparative omega-3 fatty acid enrichment of egg yolks from first-cycle laying hens fed flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed. Poultry Science, 96, 1791-1799.
Haugh, R. R. (1937). The Haugh unit for measuring egg quality U.S. Egg Poultry Mag. 43, 552-555, 572-573.
Ikpeama, A., Onwuka, G. I. and Nwankwo, C. (2014).Nutritional Composition of Tumeric (Curcuma longa) and its Antimicrobial Properties.International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. 5: 2229-5518.
Mahesh, M. G., and Prabhakar, B. Y. (2018).Natural antibiotic effect of turmeric in poultry management.International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Science.2(1) 1-3.
Malekizadeh, M., Moeini, M.M. and Ghazi, S. (2012). The effects of different levels of ginger (Zingiberofficinale) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizomes powder on some blood metabolites and production performance characteristic of laying hens. Journal of Agricultural Science Technology, 14, 127-134.
Mirbod, M., Mahdavi, A.H., Samie, A.H. and Mehri, M. (2017). Effects of Curcuma longarhizome powder on egg quality, performance and some physiological indices of laying hens fed different levels ofmetabolizable energy.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97,1286-1294.
Mmadubuike F. N. and Ekenyem, B. U. (2001).Non-ruminant livestock production in the tropics.Gustchucks Graphics Centre, Owerri, Nigeria.
Navidshad, B., Mostafa M. and Babak, D. (2018). Garlic: An alternative to antibiotics in poultry production, a review. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 8(1), 9-17.
Okoro, M. C.(2016). Effect of dietary inclusion of ginger (Zingiberofficinale) on Performance of Broilers and Laying Chickens. Unpublished Thesis, Master of Science in Animal Products Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri.
Platel, K. &Srinivasan K. (2000). Influence of dietary spices and their active principles on pancreatic digestive enzymes in albino rats. Nahrung, 44: 42-46.
Rajesh, D. and Devvrat, K.(2018).Turmeric powder as feed additive in laying hen A-review. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry.7(3), 2686-2689.
Sallam, K. I., Ishioroshi, M., and Samejima, K. (2004).Antioxidant and antimicrobial effect of garlic in chicken sausage.LWTFood Science and Technology, 37: 849 – 855.
T?mová, E. and Gous, R.M. (2012).Interaction between oviposition time, age, and environmental temperature and egg quality traits in laying hens and broiler breeders.Czech Journal of Animal Science, 57, 541-549.
Ugwoke, C.E.C. and Nzekwe, U. (2010). Phytochemistry and proximate composition of ginger (Zingiberofficinale) Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences, 7:5.
Zhang, G.F., Yang, Z.B., Wang, Y., Yang, W.R., Jiang, S.Z. and Gai, G.S. (2009). Effects of ginger root (Zingiberofficinale) processed to different particle sizes on growth performance, antioxidant status, and serum metabolites of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 88, 2159-2166.