Potential of soil resources of Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagar, Tamil Nadu, India for agro-technology generation


  • C. Sudhalakshmi Coconut Research Station, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Aliyarnagar - 642 101, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R. Kumaraperumal Coconut Research Station, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Aliyarnagar - 642 101, Tamil Nadu, India




Potential of soil resources of Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagar of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and one of the Centers of ICAR-AICRP (Palms), was assessed by soil profile examination and spatial variability mapping. Three soil profiles were examined, one each in A, B and C blocks of the farm, soils were studied horizon wise samples were collected, and fertility parameters were analyzed. Spatial variability of primary nutrients was mapped employing GIS techniques. Soil profile examination revealed the presence of canker nodules in the lower horizons and the depth of the soil was not a constraint for the cultivation of perennial crops. The texture of the soil varied from loamy sand to sandy clay loam. pH was alkaline and electrical conductivity was less than 2 dSm-1. The content of KMnO4-N was low, and Olsen P, NNNH4OAc-K and organic carbon were medium. Land capability class was IIIew and was highly suitable (S1) for coconut, moderately suitable (S2) for cocoa and marginally suitable (S3) for pepper. The soil taxonomic class is fine-loamy mixed, isohyperthermic Fluventic/Typic Haplustepts. Rock outcrops were noticed over 5 per cent of the area. Top soil erosion and seepage problems resulting in temporary water logging are the major fertility constraints associated with this farm. Scrupulous application of organic manures, split application of fertilizers, providing trenches in areas of water logging, etc., are the strategies to overcome the constraints, which are existing in the farm.


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How to Cite

Sudhalakshmi, C., & Kumaraperumal, R. (2020). Potential of soil resources of Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagar, Tamil Nadu, India for agro-technology generation. Journal of Plantation Crops, 48(3), 171–183. https://doi.org/10.25081/jpc.2020.v48.i3.6625



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