Multidisciplinary Research Journal2025-01-17T21:13:39+0530Managing Editor[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>The International Multidisciplinary Research Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes articles in all the multidisciplinary scientific research fields.</p> <p><strong>Submission</strong></p> <p>The journal welcomes the submission of original manuscripts (Please see <a href="/plagiarism-policy.php">Plagiarism Policy</a>) that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. The journal publishes Review Articles, Regular Articles and Short Communications. For detailed guide for preparation of manuscript please visit <a href="/guide-for-authors.php">Author’s Guide</a> and for submitting, please sign in the <a href="/journals/index.php/cb/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">Online Submission</a> page. If the author experiences any difficulties during online submission, contact [email protected] for support.</p> <p><strong>Peer Review</strong></p> <p>All articles will be peer-reviewed. The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research, its significance to the scientific community and interest to a wide audience.</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong></p> <p>International Multidisciplinary Research Journal follows the Continuous Publishing Model, means; the articles will be added to the volume continuously without any issue barriers. This helps the journal in the rapid publication of accepted articles. Each year contains one volume with the unlimited number of articles.</p> <p>Manuscripts will be published online as soon as the authors approved the final proof. Therefore, there will not be a delay period for accepted articles to be published online.</p> <p> </p>